Blogging heroes may seem like the star of the show.
But being a self-centered blogger only turns off readers who want you to help them versus speaking about yourself all day long. I often snap selfies and share personal travel stories but always tie my deal with lessons to help you. Blogging From Paradise is your focus because I am a blogging helper. Blogging helpers simply give readers what readers want. Blogging heroes talk too much about self to the point of turning off readers entirely because you cannot listen to readers and solve problems if you talk about yourself incessantly.
Finding a mix of shining spotlight on self and listening to readers – plus publishing content to solve reader needs – gives you what you need to succeed with blogging. However, being a helper first and foremost is your chief purpose. Think about your readers. Listen closely to their needs. Tune into their problems. Be open.
Blogging heroes may not talk about self all day long but go bananas with trying to earn profits by placing a high volume of calls to action in each post to maximize blogging income. Take your foot off of the blogging income pedal once in a while. Stop trying so darn hard to make money off of your blog. Stop making it solely about you and your profits. Make it a bit more about your readers, solving their problems and meeting their needs.
Blogging heroes also rarely if ever note or mention:
- readers
- fellow bloggers
- customers
- clients
in appreciation, gratitude, and a general sharing of the blogging spotlight. I routinely mention bloggers on Blogging From Paradise via link mentions. I also opened my blog to guest bloggers for years to share the spotlight with our community. Being generous drew bloggers, readers, and traffic to me because focusing attention on other folks draws attention to you. The easiest way to gain attention is to give attention. Giving attention is easily achieved by using your blog as a platform for all versus a podium for ceaseless self-promotion.
Everyone seems entitled to promote self freely but focusing on promoting others, endorsing others and mentioning others makes for a thriving blogging career. Even better? Guest blogging on blogs other than your own puts others and their needs before your own. Writing and publishing this guest post for Vishwajeet makes me a helper versus some blogging hero. Even though I benefit by gaining traffic and exposure he gains passive blog traffic and passive increased exposure without barely lifting a finger. He benefits handsomely and I do nicely, too, but I had to focus on helping others and not solely serving myself to write and submit the guest post.
Bloggers often resist guest blogging for fear of publishing their best work on blogs other than their own. The kids today say bloggers usually want all the smoke. In essence, bloggers want to be the hero in many cases because they want all the attention on themselves, for themselves. However, self-centered bloggers tend to struggle, fail and quit because trying to do it all for you through your blog tunes out the very bloggers you need to bond with to succeed. Guest blogging gets you out of your head into helping other bloggers through the concept of being generous, by publishing your best work on blogs other than your own. One needs to develop a sense of detachment about their best blogging work.
Be a blogging helper versus being a blogging hero. Make it about your readers and fellow bloggers to lay a rock solid foundation for your blogging campaign.
Hi Ryan, being the helper is key to success in almost anything today. As you help others they will recommend you and help you as well. It’s a great two-way street but you should go into it without expectations. Not all will reciprocate.