Do You Blog with Leveraging in Mind?

Anytime I write and publish a blog post or guest post I think of ways to leverage the content.

Leveraging blog content frees up your time by making a strong impact versus a light touch with each piece of content.

I add links to:

  • guest posts
  • blog posts
  • products
  • eBooks

to make each guest post count. Leveraging works in a time-starved world. I can only do so much with 24 hours but leveraging each act allows me to make blogging actions count.

For example, I wrote and placed this guest post for Vishwajeet to leverage my presence beyond Blogging From Paradise. The guest post points back to my blog. But I will also add links to guest posts I published on other blogs too:

  • beef up this resource
  • give fellow bloggers exposure
  • give myself increased exposure
  • make this post more attractive to Google

Each bullet point leverages my presence intelligently. For the 20 minutes, I set aside to write and publish this guest post I do not only receive a guest post link and resource box link in return. I also leverage by gaining links to guest posts I published on other blogs. Leveraging my presence and leveraging the presence of other bloggers helps all of us to succeed because I intend to make the greatest positive impact for many bloggers in as little time as possible.

Blogging intelligently means leveraging to get as much done in as little time as possible. Anyone who reads this post accesses helpful content through the text itself but also gains access to a collection of links pointing to other of my guest posts. Dropping 3 helpful links for 20 minutes of blogging work makes sense to me. However, I do not leverage predominantly to self serve. Helping fellow bloggers by giving them greater exposure guarantees that we all win.

Do you make blogging time count by leveraging? Instead of trying to tweet 40 old guest posts daily on Twitter how about writing a thorough guest post containing links to old guest posts you published? Gain exposure via 4 guest posts and 1 link to your blog for 25 minutes of blogging work. Think beyond solely writing and publishing one guest post. Send readers to helpful content you published prior to leveraging your content. Make content work for you instead of working hard to create content.

Blog far and wide. Never blog narrowly Add links to guest posts and blog posts you previously published to leverage by fortifying blog posts and guest posts. Embed videos on blogs. Embed podcasts on blogs. Employ multi-media to enrich blog user experience but also to leverage your presence onto different platforms. Video helps expand your blog traffic to sites like:

  • YouTube
  • Rumble
  • Twitter
  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn

Podcasts leverage your online presence to Anchor and Sound Cloud, among other platforms. Everything changes the moment you link out and in to trusted resources each time you publish content. Of course, I intend to hold myself to this basic blogging rule since I sometimes err in publishing more content versus adding more links to content I already published. I am learning! But observing pro bloggers goads me to link in and out often because leveraging intelligently is the prime way to free yourself from your blogging business, partially, at least.


Bloggers often forget to leverage for being stuck in the blogging past.

Even skilled pros cling to old, lesser effective strategies versus letting go the old to make room for the new, effective, and efficient way to blog.

Are you mired in the blogging past?

Check out this video:

Do You Find Yourself Stuck in the Blogging Past

1 thought on “Do You Blog with Leveraging in Mind?”

  1. It’s essential to maximize the impact of your blogging actions, and leveraging is a great way to do that. By adding links to guest posts, blog posts, products, and eBooks, you’re not only making your content more attractive to Google, but you’re also giving yourself and other bloggers increased exposure.

    The idea of writing a thorough guest post containing links to old guest posts is genius! It saves time and effort while still driving traffic to your blog. I appreciate the video you shared as well, as it highlights the importance of letting go of old and ineffective strategies and embracing the new and efficient ways of blogging. Thank you for sharing this valuable information!


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